Edinburgh Creation Group

Edinburgh Creation Group

Richard Dawkins published the God Delusion in 2006 claiming science is incompatible with belief in God. Edinburgh Creation Group started in 2007 giving a platform to (mostly PhD) scientists to explain why they think creation is evidence of the creator and its rules point to a ruler.

Tracing Genesis Through Ancient Culture

Paul James-Griffiths

Did religion evolve from primitive nature worship, to belief in many gods, to belief in a single creator God? Paul James-Griffiths challenges this view as he examines ancient cultures and religions. He shows how the texts and customs of multiple ancient cultures converge on the major events recorded in the early chapters of Genesis. Paul then argues these religions that diverge in many other ways must have had a common root – Genesis.

Fish, Fossils and Evolution

Dr Arthur Jones

Did fish evolve? Dr Arthur Jones an expert in fish speciation investigates.

The Eye Designed or Evolved?

Dr George Marshall

Did the eye evolve from a simple layer of photo-sensitive cells into the eyes that we have today? Darwin remarked that ... "several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light" ... but how do photo-sensitive cells work? Is the invertebrate eye really wired the wrong way round? Dr George Marshall an expert in anatomy, who specialised in the human eye for several years answers these questions and many more.

Genesis encoded in Ancient Chinese Characters

Phil Holden

In ancient China long before Buddhism and Taoism there was the concept of a single supreme creator God called ShangDi. He has some striking similarities to the God of the Hebrews, the God of the Bible. In this talk we look at how Chinese characters which are pictograms seem to encode the story of Genesis.

The God Delusion?

Dr Marc Surtees

Since Dawkins' book came out quite a storm has been stirred up. Is it really true that science has shown there is no God?

Human Language: No plausible alternative to Natural Selection?

Nancey Darral

Nancey Darral discusses the complexity of human speech and how there is no clear progression between animal and human speech.

Whales - Designed or Evolved?

Dr Marc Surtees

Whale anatomy is said to present one of the clearest examples of evolution through transitional stages. In this talk Dr Marc Surtees examines the fossil evidence for these transitions. He challenges the view that there is a neat set of transitions from land animals to whales.